
Bow Tattoos on Back of Legs Meaning

Bow Tattoos on Back of Legs Meaning

Have you ever received a gift tied up with a bow? It's frequently a surprise and the bow has go a symbol of gifts and presents. These days, there are also lots of women who are having bows tattooed on their thighs and other parts of their torso. Simply what does the bow mean in this context?

Story of Emancipation

The bow tattoo is typically worn but by women. That'due south not to say that a human couldn't vesture information technology, but in well-nigh cases the tied up bow has special significant for women.

It might be difficult to imagine now, just there was one time a fourth dimension not too long ago when women were not even allowed to vote.

Earlier the suffragette movement, women around the state were expected to fulfill their limited roles while men engaged with public and political life. That all inverse with the suffragettes and the feminist movement.

Of course, nosotros're still some manner from full equality between men and women, but the truth is that things have really come up a long way. For some women, a bow tattoo is symbolic of their struggle for liberation.

Consider how you tie up a bow on a gift. You put tension on the ribbon and necktie the knot, and then you release the bow. This tension and release is seen as symbolic of women's liberation.

This is partly why the bow tattoo is frequently seen as a symbol just for women, though some men may similar to express their affiliation with feminism and women's rights besides.

Female person Empowerment

There's something of an irony going on with the bow as a symbol of women's liberation. There was a time when a lot of female clothing was fastened with bows.

Just recall about the lace up corsets from the 19th century, for example. For some women, the bow tattoo symbolizes their distinct femininity in a very old-school way.

On the one mitt, the bow represents women's liberation from oppression, merely on the other hand, information technology harks back to a time when women were tied up in tight dresses that were prescribed by men equally a mark of their strict gender role. It seems, there'southward something of a disconnect going on here!

In this sense, a pair of bow tattoos on a woman'south thighs can certainly mean that they consider themselves feminine. Information technology means that they retrieve of themselves every bit fulfilling some old gender role that doesn't necessarily arrange to the more fluid gender roles of the modern day.

While it may seem strange for the bow to symbolize what appear to exist 2 opposing things, there's a argent lining. When women claim an identity for themselves, they also empower themselves.

They liberate themselves from some strict view of who they are, even if it means that they are choosing to use a bow to stand for a more traditional view of what a woman should be.

In this context, the bow really does represent a woman'south correct to choose who they are, whether that is a liberated and potent woman, or a so-chosen "girly girl" who identifies more strongly with a rigid female stereotype.

Souvenir to the Earth

Tying information technology all together (pun intended) is that the bow also symbolizes that a woman is a souvenir to the earth, no matter what her view of herself is. She is strong, attractive, and of worth and value.

When a adult female wears a bow in this context, she is expressing who she thinks she is and what she can give to the earth.

This sort of bow looks great when tattooed around the wrist. Many women choose an intricate design and may frequently have the ribbon colored as well. In this context, the bow means non just a gift to the earth, but that the woman has some mystery virtually her, merely similar a souvenir.

Woman's Sexuality

Information technology's non uncommon for a bow to be placed on either the back or front of the thighs – one on each leg. In this configuration, the bow is more strongly associated with female person sexuality and sexual power. The garter, long seen every bit representative of female sexuality, is sometimes also a part of the bow design.

The bow in this position is in an erogenous area and represents her sexual practice appeal and her view of her own sexuality and feminine power. Women who favor this style of bow tattoo oftentimes desire to express a wilder or riskier side to their personalities.

Does the Bow Material Matter?

Of course, there are a lot of unlike bows and bow designs. Those who want to express a traditionally feminine personality may favor a ribbon that is slender, silky, colored, and curled in intricate fashion.

While those who have a tougher and stronger personality may choose a wide leathery look for the bow instead.

Should Y'all Go a Bow Tattoo?

The bow is well-nigh exclusively a female motif and is nearly oftentimes worn by women. While information technology does symbolize a adult female'south liberation, it also has a strong association with more than traditional gender roles.

This dual meaning is appealing to many women because it allows them to feel as though they have their own symbol and that they are free to cull who they want to be.

The bow besides has a strong sexual meaning, particularly when placed on the front end or back of the thighs. While this is appealing for those women who want to express a wilder side to themselves, it's not for all women. In these cases, a bow tattoo around the wrist may be more appropriate.


I of the slap-up things virtually the bow tattoo design is that it is a symbol for women. And then many tattoo designs are worn by both men and women, but the bow has very stiff associations with female sexuality, female person empowerment to choose an identity, and women's liberation.

The bow also lends itself to a wide diverseness of bonny designs and placements. It can be silky and curly, busy with gems and other motifs, or broad and strong.

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Bow Tattoos on Back of Legs Meaning

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